Tuesday, January 16, 2007


It's finally happened :) This morning we got the call that our names were up on the National Service Dog List. After what feels like an eternity, I am going on March 25 for our 5 days of training. This is such an answer to prayer, and we'd like to take the opportunity once again to thank all those who helped us out on this journey. A new chapter of our lives is beginning, and we are just so excited.
It really seems like yesterday that I had the phone call with Steve. "I've been looking into service dogs more Steve and I think I'd like to go ahead with it. Well Steve being a typical guy "how much" with much fear and trembling, I mutter under my breath "12" and he responds "1200?!?!" to which I say no "12,000" But God does have a sense of humor, because it was a Friday afternoon, and Steve was preparing his sermon for Sunday's service, and had just finished typing "whatever my children need, no matter how much, I will not withold it from them ". HE HAD TO SAY YES THEN!!!!


Anonymous said...


this is so amazing...it will be a whole new chapter and a freedom that you won't believe. It will be a lot of work at first..but nothing with kids with autism is ever easy..You guys will do so well...

HOORAY!! Happy Dance!!!


Anonymous said...

What an amazing blessing this will be for your family - God is ever faithful!