Friday, January 26, 2007

An Odd Feeling,,,and More

So, as I type this, someone is in my kitchen cleaning. It feels so very odd! Don't get me wrong. I'm loving it. I just feel on some level that this is completely wrong. But I will not linger in that feeling, I shall move on and bask in the glorious scent of clean :D Knowing all along that it was NOT my hard work that made it that way.

Tonight we're having someone from our congregation over for supper. She went on a cruise in November, and is bringing along her pictures. I just can't wait to hear about her trip. Her cruise was a bit different than ours as she was in France. I think it will help to heighten our excitement for going...although I don't think we need any help!

My parents were supposed to come for a visit this weekend as well, but they cancelled due to weather. I am really starting to miss them. I'm hoping that we'll be able to see them before we leave, but now that winter has arrived here in Meaford, that might not be the case. We'll just pray for good weather sometime soon.

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