Monday, January 08, 2007

Good News

Today we had another appearance in court, and we have some good news to report.
We go for an uncontested trial on Jan 31, and barring anything major, we will hopefully be awarded permenant custody of Justus. Wow, talk about bittersweet news to bear.

I think I'm feeling very relieved, but on the very same hand, sorry for my brother. I don't think Ian entirely realizes that his actions are proving to make his life the poorer. I wish it had never come down to this, although very thankful for the opportunity to have Justus here. My prayer from the beginning would be that they would try to make their lives all the better, and get Justus back. Unfortunately, at this point, they are not even willing to try :( God is good though, and we feel blessed to have Justus a part of the household.

What a treasure he is. :) His smile brightens up my day for sure. I love hearing "uhoh" or yesterday was "ok" I think it's amazing to watch the differences his development from Logan and Abby. That, in itself, is a miracle. Considering all that he was exposed to in utero, there he is, a champion fighter. Makes me proud to be a mom. Steve and I often say how amazing it is, the love that we have for Justus. We heard often through our adoption classes how that bond forms, but until you experience it, you never truly understand. We hope one day that he will bear our name, but for now, knowing that we are his legal guardians is enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news! Glad to hear the process is going smoothly.