Saturday, January 13, 2007

Dungeon...To Light

As most of you know, when we moved into our house, most rooms got a fresh coat of paint. I personally have never loved beige/neutral walls. From the very beginning I was never sure of how much I really liked my room color. Actually that isn't true, I always LOVED it, otherwise I wouldn't have done it. But I didn't really think about the lack of natural sunlight in our bedroom. So, for the last two years, I've really been struggling in the winter with how dark our bedroom is. So tonight I bit the bullet and painted one wall. The wall you look at as soon as you walk in the bedroom. It really makes all the difference. I don't know why I waited so long to do it. It looks so beautiful :) I felt like I was living in a dungeon before, and now I'm just so relieved. I can't wait for Steve to see it. I was going to surprise him and just do it while he was at the Annual Meeting, but instead, I told him what I was doing. I don't really like hearing "amanda" from another room. I did that once to him when I took down the wall in the old therapy room ~ I never have been good at keeping things from him anyway. I sure hope he likes it as much as I do.

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