Monday, January 29, 2007

Not sure what to think

We spoke with the school today. I'm not sure what to think of the story told, but I really have no choice but to believe them.
This is the story: Logan was playing outside at afternoon nutrition break, and was rolling in the snow. It was cold, and the pages shattered as he rolled over top of them...that's the story...Seems kind of shady. But I have to believe them at this point...I know that plastic is fragile when cold...BUT...I am having some difficulty believing this.
What's done is done. I cannot change it. And won't. We have some strategies in place now, that hopefully something like this never happens again. We also discussed the importance of communication, and to have the full story.
I sure hope this never happens. I'm relieved to an extent that it wasn't other children, but like I said, I'm not entirely sure I'm believing this one. But at this point, that's all I have to go on.

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