Friday, February 09, 2007

snow and sick kiddos

Well, this week has been an interesting one. No school Monday, limited therapy Tuesday, School (thank you Lord!) on Wednesday, limited therapy Thurs and no school again today. The buses were at least running today but we decided not to send the kids. As it turns out, for Abby, that was for the best. The poor girl is coming down with something fierce. It has come on so quickly. :( She's coughing and fevered, and she's very dozey/lethargic. Justus is coughing a bit too but doesn't seem as bad as Abby though. Please pray they get better! Logan is charged full of energy though. He's gone into town with Daddy to get a movie, and some tylenol for Abby. They are going to play outside for awhile after that too. Gotta get that boy some fresh air!!! He doesn't enjoy when there is no school.

Today was supposed to be my cleaning lady day, but that was postponed til Monday. With everyone home, makes for too much shuffling around while she does her thing. So Monday afternoon it is. I can't wait either. The mountain of laundry is slowing coming down. Seems like I just did it, but from the amount of clothing, maybe my memory is a little off...who knows! Supper is in the crockpot already :D I love my crockpot, it's SOO much easier to prepare meals as I can do it in the morning when I have the most energy. It's very bad for me to put off dinner prep until 4 PM because chances are, it'll be take out! So Taco Soup it is for tonight :D

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