Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Poor Guy

First a tooth, now bronchitis :( We knew Justus was down with a cold, but I just figured it was the sniffles, but last night/today, he was sounding SOO chesty, so we went off to the doctors office...good thing we did...if it doesn't get better over the next two or three days, or if it gets worse, we are to go to the hospital :( It's so difficult when little ones are sick...poor little guy didn't even want his bottle tonight, just wanted to go to sleep...I think he was asleep with his eyes open. Please pray for him, and for us over the next few days...I'm sure we won't be getting restful sleep, that is for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is such a cutie! Justus, we hope that you are feeling better soon and back to your old busy self.