Sunday, October 22, 2006

This and That....

It seems that I will survive. The jury was out for quite some time, but its looking good in my favour. The bronchitis is gone and the pneumonia seems to be for the most part as well. I still get a bit winded when I over-exert, but overall I'm on the mend. Today was my first day back at church, and I'm very tired now. When you haven't worked for a few weeks, it's hard to get back into the swing of things.
Justus has been quite ill with the flu this week. :( He's lost some weight, and we had to keep an eye on him to make sure he wasn't becoming dehydrated. He's almost back to his regular self, I think he enjoyed the "spoiling" a bit much as he is enjoying his cuddle times more and more. He sure is a cutie pie though :) Today he's returned to his chatty self.
Logan and Abby are just great. School life seems to be a joy for them. Logan's behaviour has decreased at school and Abby's has increased. It's good to see they are settling in, it shows they are both much more comfortable in the classroom. I'm so proud of them. Logan has a special computer at school, it's on a trial basis just for him. It has a touch screen. Right now Logan is working on verbs, and it's amazing because his first run on the computer he got NOTHING wrong. Just goes to show you that he knows much more than he is able to communicate. Just neat. :)
Well, the adoption file is officially open. I just cannot wait to have this all behind us. I am sorry that it's had to come to this (deeply sorry), but I'm very thankful for the opportunity to have Justus in our life. He's such a treasure, and I feel very blessed and honoured to be able to raise him. We do plan on telling him from the very beginning that he is adopted. We believe it will be best for everyone involved for there to be no secrets. I want to find some childrens books that talk about adoption. If anyone has suggestions, please feel free to drop a line. :)
That's it for now. Hopefully life will be calm this week and I can post more often.

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