Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Well, there has been a lull in the blogging for a reason. Christmas has come and gone: we enjoyed a wonderful visit with Steve's mom and my family, ate some great turkey, opened many gifts...oh and wait one more thing....we got the flu :( The whole family, all 6 of us!!!! It started Christmas Eve, and continued on and is still going on today. This was the first time that Steve and I have been sick at the same time, and I hope and pray that never happens again. I'm really ready for this bug to leave the house, and I hope we don't ring in the New Year with it. It has been a very long exhausting week! I hope to enjoy the second half of the kids break from school significantly more than this week.
I hope that your Christmas was filled with lots of great memories! All the best for 2008!!! God bless!

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