Wednesday, April 25, 2007

2 AM

Imagine being in a dark bedroom. It's 2 AM. You are sleeping peacefully. All of a sudden you hear a loud noise, the sound of something very large crashing down around you. You are up with a bolt, sitting in bed. You hear someone reaching for the lamp, when all of a sudden you hear the noise again. You hear screaming coming from the person beside you, and join in because it's the only natural thing to do. You reach to turn on your light and what you discover is your husbands bedside table overturned and at the foot of your bed. You see the contents that were on top of the table strewn on the floor. (no wonder Steve couldn't find the lamp!) You see a dog cowering beside you and you wonder what events unfolded to make the scene like this.

It's now 9 AM and we're still wondering what on earth happened to that bedside table. Our best guess is somehow the dog got tangled in or under the table and was pinned underneath. He then got up trying to free himself, only to discover that he was still caught! Then the above incidents occur, leaving you the next morning in hysterics because the whole scene is just so comical.

I think what we find most ironic, is we tiptoe around at night, trying not to wake the kids. But last night we were LOUD, between the noise of the dragging and us screaming, I have NO idea how the kids didn't wake up! Especially Logan because we're right overtop of his bedroom.

Last night will be a night to remember! It's as good as the raccoon in the garbage and us getting locked in our room!!! LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The poor dog... is probably thinking I'm in for it... hahaha What a sight that must have been lol
