Steve and I have had many conversations about this. I don't believe that God has mapped out or predestined everything, and that we go like robots through His plan. I believe we all have choices to make, and our lives are shaped and molded by those choices. But are there things that He wants us to experience? Did He cause or allow the kids autism or choose us to be their parents? Why is the heart of every human, whether we want to admit it or not, always looking for the answer to the question? What is it that drives us to search for the 'truth'?
Our life has so many peaks and valleys. There are times I can really struggle with how I incorporate my faith into it. There are so few parents of children with special needs who share how the diagnosis affected their faith. Mine, I admit, is very shaken, but there are times that I marvel at the complexity of my kids and know that everything will be alright. But there are dark sides, why do I feel so ashamed to admit it though? Why the secrecy? If we all shared our stories, shared the pain and the joys, wouldn't the load be easier to bear? I say this like it's easy, as if I have it figured out, but I don't. Just an inner longing of mine, to find a place where people feel safe to share and support through life.
Today is a day for a deep thoughtful post I guess. I've been in that mood lately, very reflective. It's been a difficult summer, and I feel the affects of it very strongly. I am praying to see His hand, and to feel His presence with me. This next few weeks will be difficult and I'm not sure how much I'll post. Some things good, some bad, some unsure. I have a few doctors appts, the kids going back to school and some decisions to make. None of which are very easy for me. Please pray with me during this time, I could sure use the support!
Your faith will guide you, Amanda.
Keep strong.
As I read your blog, this song by Brian Doerksen came to mind. God's hand is there - just reach out a little more!
The River:
To the river, I am going, bringing sins I cannot bear.
Come and cleanse me, come forgive me - Lord, I need to meet you there.
In these waters, healing mercy, flows with freedom from despair. I am going to that river, Lord, I need to meet you there.
Precious Jesus, I am ready to surrender every care. Take my hand now, lead me closer. Lord i need to meet you there.
Come and join us, in the river. Come find life beyond compared. He is calling, He is waiting. Jesus longs to meet you there. He is calling, He is waiting. Jesus longs to meet you there.
Precious Jesus, I am ready to surrender every care. Take my hand now, lead me closer. Lord I need to meet you there. Take my hand now, lead me closer. Lord I need to meet you there.
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