Monday, August 20, 2007

BIG changes!

I'm sitting here today in awe that my life is going to change dramatically in the next couple of weeks. We've hit some pretty big milestones in our house. Some that we've talked about, some that we haven't.

First, Logan will be starting GR 1 in just two weeks time. I can't believe that he's going to be going to school full-time. I got a call from the bus company today, confirming everything for the start of school. I knew the day was coming, but it suddenly hit me very hard that my oldest is growing up! Abby will be starting her SK year, and I am anxious to see how that will go. The summer has been good for both of them, and I believe they will both be rather excited to see school start again.

Another big milestone, one which we haven't broadcasted very loudly, is the fact that Logan and Abby both transition out of behavioural therapy in September. We will receive 12 months of transitional therapy, and then be completely out of the program. Now I'm sure a lot of who read this will be outraged thinking it was due to age, but it was our choice. It was a very difficult and bittersweet decision, but one that had to be made. I will admit that I'm rather nervous about having Abby home with me during the day. Some people may feel confused by that, but for the last 2 years of her life, she has been with other people throughout the day at various times. I'm positive that it will go ok, but I'm still anxious about the transition. She is a child who thrives on routine, and we're about to upset it completely.

Emma rolled over for the first time this morning! I can't believe she is 3 months already. She's really turned a corner in the last few weeks. Whatever was going on with her, has now subsided for the most part, and she's turned into the most beautiful, wonderful girl. Now part of that is due to the fact that she sleeps between 12 and 14 hours at night, but another part of that is her cooing and smiling. She just keeps "giving back". It's a great feeling to see her smiling her big toothless grin at you.

Justus is cutting teeth, and I can't wait til they poke through!!! That boy has turned into Mr.Drama. You'd think the world was ending the way he carried on, but even through it all, he's a character. I love to see him peek from behind his hands when you give him a reprimand, or grab your face to give you a big "mwah" on the cheek. He is learning so much, and can do so many things that in a lot of ways, he's bypassed what the kids can do. (or at least demonstrates it) He's a real joy to be around, and keeps me laughing throughout the day, even with his teething antics!

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