Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Well, today is the day that we were awarded full permanent custody :D I'm so excited. It was a lot quicker this time than the last, the judge made his decision very quickly. So as of today, we are the legal guardians of Justus Mark Peschell. It's a bittersweet day for me, but I must admit, I'm very relieved to know that Justus will be in a safe, secure environment.

The other news I want to pass on is Justus is finally working on some more teeth. He's had a third pop through, with another 2 just below the surface (they'll definitely erupt while we're away). It's so funny to see him grinding around, trying to figure out what exactly is going on inside his mouth. What a funny little character!

We leave in three days for our vacation, and I'm not sure I'll be posting before we leave. I'm sure Steve will so keep up to date with him. In the mean time, have a wonderful few weeks! I'll only be home for 6 days between our vacation and team training week, so don't expect too much in March. I will post an update of our trip though, no worries there :)


Anonymous said...

woohoo! when are you having your next one?! Have an awesome honeymoon!!

Amanda said...

You just hold your tongue little missy! That question can be directed at you too, and I've been nice enough to leave it alone :)

Thanks for the well wishes, we're pretty excited. We leave in the morning to go to Niagara and then fly out on Sunday. I just can't wait to take it all in :)