Monday, February 12, 2007

We got played!!!

This morning we were trying to decide if and who we should send to school because the cold/flu of the century seems to have decended onto our household. So, around 8 AM Logan starts carrying on and crying, holding his arms up and trying to cuddle with ME...(I'm sure you can see where this is going). Abby seemed to be on the mend both yesterday and this morning, so we sent her. The minute the school bus drove off, there is Logan happy as can be!!! ARGH, we've just been played by our son...but good for him to know how to do it. He's quite the little actor. I know he wasn't feeling 100% so I don't mind having him home. He did become quite lethargic this afternoon and had a nice cuddle with mommy on the couch. Then around 2 PM we got a call from the school asking us to come and pick up Abby...she was fevered and glassy eyed... :( I guess we should've kept them both home. She was asleep when Steve arrived at the school to get her. It's now 5 PM and she's asleep again.

Please pray that Justus doesn't get this nasty cold/'s horrible. Wouldn't wish it on anybody. And he is the only one left to get it. Steve came down with it last night too :(

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