Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sickness all around

Well, this morning I woke up to Steve, Logan and Justus all SICK :( It's never really fun to have a sickie home. Abby by far had it the worst last week, but Justus is coming a close second. Steve and Logan have incredible immune systems and usually only have a bug for about 12-24 hours. But nonetheless, practically everyone was sick. Now that it's 5:30, Logan is over his, Steve's stomach is a bit upset, and Justus is ok. I sure hope this is the end of the line. I don't need to catch whatever they have. No bugs for me thanks, I'm mommy, I look after them.

The wait for my appointment dates for the neurologist and CT scan are driving me crazy. I finally decided to try and call the doctor on Thursday, just to see if they had heard anything about dates, but alas, "the doctors office is now closed, and will reopen on MONDAY morning" Fine. I guess in some ways I'm going through the "what ifs" and "why didn't I go sooner". But all this fretting could be over nothing. Some days I'm 150% sure I'm ok, but most other days I'm not so sure. Either way, I wish it the appt's would come soon and this chapter of my life over. I'm not the most patient person on the planet, but dealing with the unknowns for me is the worst part of anything that is to come. Just give me some news as to what this is, and we'll move from there...but the unknown, or the "possibility" of a disease, is scarier than the actual diagnosis, for me anyway. I felt the same way when Logan was diagnosed with Autism. Not so much with Abby, because we knew before the doctors even said anything, but for Logan between the February after his hearing test, to the June that he was diagnosed, it was such a horrible time. Please continue to pray for me at this time in my life, it's very overwhelming.

My dad and brothers (Josh and Ian) were up this weekend. They started laying the hardwood's going to look so beautiful once it is finished. They also laid the cement board for the ceramic tiles. They are hopefully going to try and finish everything up between Christmas and New Year. In the mean time, Steve and I are going to fill the holes and try to get the walls painted etc. Maybe it'll feel less renovation like, once all the wallpaper is off the walls and a new color up. I promise I will post pictures once it's all finished. :)

Well, I suppose that is enough of a post...sorry for the novel :)

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