Wednesday, December 20, 2006

another chapter begins

So this morning, after months of waiting for the bus, the kids discovered the *joys*(sarcasm) of running out into the road. First Abby, then Logan...I'm not looking forward to this. They were doing such a terrific job waiting at the end of the driveway, singing songs and jumping around...NOW?? The neighbours driveway looks like a fun place to be :( I was hoping that we wouldn't ever see this behaviour, but alas, it has come to pass. I just can't wait to get our dog from NSD...WHEN you might ask? Well, we have no idea :( This wait is incredible, and I sure hope it's worth it! I'm just so thankful we live on a nice quiet street. Please pray that this was just a flukey day and that Friday we'll be back to normal, nice waiting.

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