I do believe this is the quietest New Years I've had in a very long time. It's just Justus and I home. My parents went out for the evening, so it's the two of us. Kind of nice, kind of not...he's been overly fussy today and needed to be held ALOT more. Maybe more teeth coming in??? I don't know for sure. I'm sure part of it is that he misses Steve and the kids. I think he misses that chaos as much as I do :) All I know is that my body can't handle holding him this much LOL I'm getting OLD.
So to everyone who reads this, have a Happy New Year. I pray that God will bless both you and your families. May His love surround you and His peace abide in you :)
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
We Made It :)
We've arrived in Welland safe and sound. Justus did fantastic on the drive here. I was very pleased considering the car isn't his favourite place to be. He's too much of a mover and shaker to be cooped up in the car for 4 hours! It makes it easier when mommy can sit beside him and make goofy games up, funny faces and play endless games of peekaboo.
We're off today to find him a crib. After a week in the playpen at home, I think he's probably ready for his real bed, NOT the playpen for another week. The poor guy was none too happy to be placed in the playpen last night either! He did wake up once, but it was an hour after he went to bed. He settled quickly after a bottle and some tylenol.
Hopefully I'll get a week of some rest, praying that a certain teething 8.5 month old will keep his crankiness to the daytime and NOT in the middle of the night. Steve is usually the one to wake up with the kids in the night. A cranky sleepless mommy is NOT what the world needs this week :)
We're off today to find him a crib. After a week in the playpen at home, I think he's probably ready for his real bed, NOT the playpen for another week. The poor guy was none too happy to be placed in the playpen last night either! He did wake up once, but it was an hour after he went to bed. He settled quickly after a bottle and some tylenol.
Hopefully I'll get a week of some rest, praying that a certain teething 8.5 month old will keep his crankiness to the daytime and NOT in the middle of the night. Steve is usually the one to wake up with the kids in the night. A cranky sleepless mommy is NOT what the world needs this week :)
Friday, December 29, 2006
Christmas Fun
Well, life has been a choatic wirlwind of fun these last few days :)
My parents, Steve's mom and my brother Josh arrived on Dec 23rd. Sunday we had 3 services at the churches. So that was a very LONG day for Steve. There was LOTS of food and sweets flying around the house on Christmas eve as my mother and I did some baking.
Christmas day was quite exciting here. I was so impressed with how the children handled everything. Logan was stressed out, but he still seemed interested in opening presents, definitely an improvement from last year. Abby ripped through them very quickly. She was having fun. Justus also seemed to enjoy his presents, but mostly just eating the wrapping paper. It was a great day, and I am blessed to have family.
From Boxing day on, the work started. The remaining hardwood floors were installed. I'm SOOO pleased with how they look, they are beautiful :) Mom also laid the ceramic floor in front of the door and it looks equally beautiful. We picked wall colors now, so it's just ripping the remaining wall paper from the walls, filling holes and then priming and painting. I hope this will look as good as I see it in my mind.
Today I leave to go to my parents house for a week. Steve and I decided it was really what I needed, and I haven't been in the last 6 months or so. Josh left on the bus on Wednesday so I could go, what a nice brother :) So I may not post much in the next few days to come. I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and that 2007 holds much blessings for all of you :)
My parents, Steve's mom and my brother Josh arrived on Dec 23rd. Sunday we had 3 services at the churches. So that was a very LONG day for Steve. There was LOTS of food and sweets flying around the house on Christmas eve as my mother and I did some baking.
Christmas day was quite exciting here. I was so impressed with how the children handled everything. Logan was stressed out, but he still seemed interested in opening presents, definitely an improvement from last year. Abby ripped through them very quickly. She was having fun. Justus also seemed to enjoy his presents, but mostly just eating the wrapping paper. It was a great day, and I am blessed to have family.
From Boxing day on, the work started. The remaining hardwood floors were installed. I'm SOOO pleased with how they look, they are beautiful :) Mom also laid the ceramic floor in front of the door and it looks equally beautiful. We picked wall colors now, so it's just ripping the remaining wall paper from the walls, filling holes and then priming and painting. I hope this will look as good as I see it in my mind.
Today I leave to go to my parents house for a week. Steve and I decided it was really what I needed, and I haven't been in the last 6 months or so. Josh left on the bus on Wednesday so I could go, what a nice brother :) So I may not post much in the next few days to come. I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and that 2007 holds much blessings for all of you :)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Chicken Soup Entry
So Kati told me yesterday that the makers of Chicken Soup books, are accepting submissions for a book about kids and special needs. I don't think my story will be published, but I thought I'd post it here too so you all can enjoy it, and to see what you think.
Christmas Eve Miracle
My name is Amanda Bedard and I am the mother of two special children named Logan and Abigail. Logan and Abigail both have Autism.
It was a beautiful night, the snow was gently falling. The house was aglow. We had just returned from the Christmas Eve Service. The lights of the Christmas tree were sparkling; the smell of hot chocolate was in the air. It was a night that held magic for our family. Surely, it was a night to be remembered.
The traditional Christmas festivities were happening. Pictures were being taken by the tree. Music filled the corners of the house. There was lots of laughter, and lots of fun being had by all. It was getting late, and it was time for Logan and Abigail to go to bed, the next day would be filled with even more excitement and a good nights rest was what they needed most. Goodnight hugs and kisses were given all around.
Abigail was tucked into bed first; she was just 2 years old. Logan was next.
“Goodnight Logan, I love you” Daddy said to Logan as he does each night.
Standing by the front door, stands a little boy of 3 years old. Blond hair, blue eyes and a smile that shone brighter than the Christmas tree lights. There was a twinkle in his eye, like nothing we had seen before.
“I love you” a quiet voice spoke in return.
A tear falls from daddy’s eye. He rushes over to Logan and scoops him up in his arms. Bedtime was extended, and we basked in the moment of this pure joy. By this time, all those in the house were softly crying.
Little Logan was completely non-verbal at this point in his life. He hadn’t spoken a word since he was just one years old. We had accepted that he may never speak, but in that small corner of our hearts, we had always longed to hear those 3 little words. And here, on this magical Christmas Eve, he spoke to us as if he had been speaking all along. It was as clear as a bell and even now, years later, I hear his voice as it was on that enchanting evening: “I love you”
It was a Christmas gift that gave us such hope for the road ahead. We learned that blessed night that we were never to assume they couldn’t do anything. It pushed us to believe in them, far greater than we already did. We have learned to celebrate the smallest of accomplishments, realizing they aren’t small at all, they are each gigantic in their own way.
Christmas Eve Miracle
My name is Amanda Bedard and I am the mother of two special children named Logan and Abigail. Logan and Abigail both have Autism.
It was a beautiful night, the snow was gently falling. The house was aglow. We had just returned from the Christmas Eve Service. The lights of the Christmas tree were sparkling; the smell of hot chocolate was in the air. It was a night that held magic for our family. Surely, it was a night to be remembered.
The traditional Christmas festivities were happening. Pictures were being taken by the tree. Music filled the corners of the house. There was lots of laughter, and lots of fun being had by all. It was getting late, and it was time for Logan and Abigail to go to bed, the next day would be filled with even more excitement and a good nights rest was what they needed most. Goodnight hugs and kisses were given all around.
Abigail was tucked into bed first; she was just 2 years old. Logan was next.
“Goodnight Logan, I love you” Daddy said to Logan as he does each night.
Standing by the front door, stands a little boy of 3 years old. Blond hair, blue eyes and a smile that shone brighter than the Christmas tree lights. There was a twinkle in his eye, like nothing we had seen before.
“I love you” a quiet voice spoke in return.
A tear falls from daddy’s eye. He rushes over to Logan and scoops him up in his arms. Bedtime was extended, and we basked in the moment of this pure joy. By this time, all those in the house were softly crying.
Little Logan was completely non-verbal at this point in his life. He hadn’t spoken a word since he was just one years old. We had accepted that he may never speak, but in that small corner of our hearts, we had always longed to hear those 3 little words. And here, on this magical Christmas Eve, he spoke to us as if he had been speaking all along. It was as clear as a bell and even now, years later, I hear his voice as it was on that enchanting evening: “I love you”
It was a Christmas gift that gave us such hope for the road ahead. We learned that blessed night that we were never to assume they couldn’t do anything. It pushed us to believe in them, far greater than we already did. We have learned to celebrate the smallest of accomplishments, realizing they aren’t small at all, they are each gigantic in their own way.
On the Mend
Well it's looking up for Justus. He is looking so much better, and sounding better too. He even slept through the night last night :) I'm sure Steve is happy about that. The inhaler isn't the easiest thing to administer to an infant, but I think it is helping him alot! So are the antibiotics.
Thanks for all your prayers. I sure hope we have a healthy happy home this holiday season.
Thanks for all your prayers. I sure hope we have a healthy happy home this holiday season.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
another chapter begins
So this morning, after months of waiting for the bus, the kids discovered the *joys*(sarcasm) of running out into the road. First Abby, then Logan...I'm not looking forward to this. They were doing such a terrific job waiting at the end of the driveway, singing songs and jumping around...NOW?? The neighbours driveway looks like a fun place to be :( I was hoping that we wouldn't ever see this behaviour, but alas, it has come to pass. I just can't wait to get our dog from NSD...WHEN you might ask? Well, we have no idea :( This wait is incredible, and I sure hope it's worth it! I'm just so thankful we live on a nice quiet street. Please pray that this was just a flukey day and that Friday we'll be back to normal, nice waiting.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Poor Guy
First a tooth, now bronchitis :( We knew Justus was down with a cold, but I just figured it was the sniffles, but last night/today, he was sounding SOO chesty, so we went off to the doctors office...good thing we did...if it doesn't get better over the next two or three days, or if it gets worse, we are to go to the hospital :( It's so difficult when little ones are sick...poor little guy didn't even want his bottle tonight, just wanted to go to sleep...I think he was asleep with his eyes open. Please pray for him, and for us over the next few days...I'm sure we won't be getting restful sleep, that is for sure.
Monday, December 18, 2006

After what seems like an eternity of teething, Justus FINALLY has a tooth broken through the surface :D It explains the cranky, waking up in the night, stuffy nose that he's had as of late. I'm just so excited. He's got a couple more on the way too :) I thought this day would never come. Steve and I were just joking yesterday that he would start kindergarten, with us saying "he's so close to breaking in his first tooth..." Thankfully I think he'll have a mouthful before his first day of school :)
This morning is the kids Christmas presentation at their school, but I can't go :( Justus is far too cranky. We didn't want to ruin it for other parents, SOOO I sent Steve off with strict instructions to take LOTS of pictures. I wanted him to be able to do proud dad stuff too. He was pretty excited to be able to go. I can't wait to see the pictures, and I'll post them when he gets home.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
More pictures

I had realized that I didn't really send any new pictures of the kids, although this really isn't the best picture. It's the only one we've got though...our old digital camera has been on it's last legs for quite some time (Logan made it work when we thought it was a goner). We actually just bought a new one last night. Just have to get used to it and it's features before I start posting my pictures. Its amazing how quickly technology goes out though. 4 years ago, we bought the kodak digital, 2 megapixels, for the same price last night we bought a 6.3 megapixels(not a Kodak, didn't like it enough to buy the brand again). It's insane!! We thought a camera would be a good present since the kids have a Christmas Assembly on Monday, and their classes are each putting on a presentation, you know I HAVE to take pictures at that! They had a Turkey Dinner at school today, and they both did wonderfully! I'm so happy that we decided to send them to SVE, they have been so wonderful at including the kids. :)
Monday, December 11, 2006
Well, I got the call this morning regarding my appointment.
My orginal appointment with the specialist...March 5. I had to cancel that, as Steve and I will be in Venice...so, the earliest after that? April 2nd :( I'm so bummed, I cannot even begin to tell you. I knew it would be a wait, but 4 months?? I've asked to be on their cancellation list, so hopefully we'll get a call for an earlier appointment. I can't live with this looming over my head.
Still no word on when my CT scan will be. She thought maybe before Christmas, but I'm assuming it will be sometime in January seeing as we're 2 weeks til Christmas now.
My orginal appointment with the specialist...March 5. I had to cancel that, as Steve and I will be in Venice...so, the earliest after that? April 2nd :( I'm so bummed, I cannot even begin to tell you. I knew it would be a wait, but 4 months?? I've asked to be on their cancellation list, so hopefully we'll get a call for an earlier appointment. I can't live with this looming over my head.
Still no word on when my CT scan will be. She thought maybe before Christmas, but I'm assuming it will be sometime in January seeing as we're 2 weeks til Christmas now.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Sickness all around
Well, this morning I woke up to Steve, Logan and Justus all SICK :( It's never really fun to have a sickie home. Abby by far had it the worst last week, but Justus is coming a close second. Steve and Logan have incredible immune systems and usually only have a bug for about 12-24 hours. But nonetheless, practically everyone was sick. Now that it's 5:30, Logan is over his, Steve's stomach is a bit upset, and Justus is ok. I sure hope this is the end of the line. I don't need to catch whatever they have. No bugs for me thanks, I'm mommy, I look after them.
The wait for my appointment dates for the neurologist and CT scan are driving me crazy. I finally decided to try and call the doctor on Thursday, just to see if they had heard anything about dates, but alas, "the doctors office is now closed, and will reopen on MONDAY morning" Fine. I guess in some ways I'm going through the "what ifs" and "why didn't I go sooner". But all this fretting could be over nothing. Some days I'm 150% sure I'm ok, but most other days I'm not so sure. Either way, I wish it the appt's would come soon and this chapter of my life over. I'm not the most patient person on the planet, but dealing with the unknowns for me is the worst part of anything that is to come. Just give me some news as to what this is, and we'll move from there...but the unknown, or the "possibility" of a disease, is scarier than the actual diagnosis, for me anyway. I felt the same way when Logan was diagnosed with Autism. Not so much with Abby, because we knew before the doctors even said anything, but for Logan between the February after his hearing test, to the June that he was diagnosed, it was such a horrible time. Please continue to pray for me at this time in my life, it's very overwhelming.
My dad and brothers (Josh and Ian) were up this weekend. They started laying the hardwood flooring...it's going to look so beautiful once it is finished. They also laid the cement board for the ceramic tiles. They are hopefully going to try and finish everything up between Christmas and New Year. In the mean time, Steve and I are going to fill the holes and try to get the walls painted etc. Maybe it'll feel less renovation like, once all the wallpaper is off the walls and a new color up. I promise I will post pictures once it's all finished. :)
Well, I suppose that is enough of a post...sorry for the novel :)
The wait for my appointment dates for the neurologist and CT scan are driving me crazy. I finally decided to try and call the doctor on Thursday, just to see if they had heard anything about dates, but alas, "the doctors office is now closed, and will reopen on MONDAY morning" Fine. I guess in some ways I'm going through the "what ifs" and "why didn't I go sooner". But all this fretting could be over nothing. Some days I'm 150% sure I'm ok, but most other days I'm not so sure. Either way, I wish it the appt's would come soon and this chapter of my life over. I'm not the most patient person on the planet, but dealing with the unknowns for me is the worst part of anything that is to come. Just give me some news as to what this is, and we'll move from there...but the unknown, or the "possibility" of a disease, is scarier than the actual diagnosis, for me anyway. I felt the same way when Logan was diagnosed with Autism. Not so much with Abby, because we knew before the doctors even said anything, but for Logan between the February after his hearing test, to the June that he was diagnosed, it was such a horrible time. Please continue to pray for me at this time in my life, it's very overwhelming.
My dad and brothers (Josh and Ian) were up this weekend. They started laying the hardwood flooring...it's going to look so beautiful once it is finished. They also laid the cement board for the ceramic tiles. They are hopefully going to try and finish everything up between Christmas and New Year. In the mean time, Steve and I are going to fill the holes and try to get the walls painted etc. Maybe it'll feel less renovation like, once all the wallpaper is off the walls and a new color up. I promise I will post pictures once it's all finished. :)
Well, I suppose that is enough of a post...sorry for the novel :)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Prayer Request
I was to see the doctor this week, and they are sending me to a specialist and for some tests. I am a bit freaked out about what the possibilites could be, so if you could send your prayers this way, I'd be very grateful...
I'm struggling very much at how full our plate is right now, not sure why all of this is happening. I feel badly for Steve and how much he already has to do, and with the possibility of having to look after me in the mix, I feel extremely guilty. Poor guy didn't sign up for all of this. I didn't either I suppose.
Thanks...I'll update when I know, it could be awhile.
Enough of that...
The kids are such joys. Although both Abby and Logan were a bit "under the weather" this weekend. Even Abby today seems a bit off. Lots of crying during therapy etc, but they are managing. It's not often they work with daddy for parent support times, so it's hard to say goodbye when he has to leave for work. Justus is in the mix too, with his snotty nose. STILL NO TEETH, but all the crankiness that goes along with cutting teeth is here. I hope they come soon. They all bring me such happiness *most days anyway*.
The turkey dinner went over fabulously! It was a great success. I was very thankful for all the help we had in the kitchen, and I think the food was terrific. There are a few things I will know to do differently next time, like have more dressing/stuffing (whatever it's called in your home) and we could've used a few more buns. Other than that, there was enough food, but not too much left over. The room was a buzz with chattering and laughter. There was also a great response for bringing in donations for our local foodbank. Thanks to the church and community for all their generosity!
I'm struggling very much at how full our plate is right now, not sure why all of this is happening. I feel badly for Steve and how much he already has to do, and with the possibility of having to look after me in the mix, I feel extremely guilty. Poor guy didn't sign up for all of this. I didn't either I suppose.
Thanks...I'll update when I know, it could be awhile.
Enough of that...
The kids are such joys. Although both Abby and Logan were a bit "under the weather" this weekend. Even Abby today seems a bit off. Lots of crying during therapy etc, but they are managing. It's not often they work with daddy for parent support times, so it's hard to say goodbye when he has to leave for work. Justus is in the mix too, with his snotty nose. STILL NO TEETH, but all the crankiness that goes along with cutting teeth is here. I hope they come soon. They all bring me such happiness *most days anyway*.
The turkey dinner went over fabulously! It was a great success. I was very thankful for all the help we had in the kitchen, and I think the food was terrific. There are a few things I will know to do differently next time, like have more dressing/stuffing (whatever it's called in your home) and we could've used a few more buns. Other than that, there was enough food, but not too much left over. The room was a buzz with chattering and laughter. There was also a great response for bringing in donations for our local foodbank. Thanks to the church and community for all their generosity!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Turkey Dinner
Today is our Community Turkey Dinner. I'm very excited about what today may hold. Things have come together quite nicely...all but the weather, but hopefully that won't affect too much for our numbers. We have 11 people from the community coming. Not bad for our first year of doing it. I am quite pleased. In total we have around 65 coming. I think the evening will go over well, God has His hand on us, I believe that with all my heart.
Please pray for us today.
Please pray for us today.
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