Friday, September 28, 2007

Sleep deprived Mommy

Today I realized that I'm not cut out for 'going it alone' with the kids. I am extremely tired. Out of 6 sleeps, I've had 2 good nights...let me tell you, this mommy needed 6 good nights!!! The night before last Abby decided that it was wise of her to wake at 1 AM for the day. I couldn't believe it...She was SO wired. All day I walked around in a fog. There is a reason that Steve wakes up with the kids in the night, I don't handle it well. period. This woman is designed to go to bed at 10 and wake up no earlier than 6! I haven't had that luxury once this week...I'm looking forward to it on Sunday, I'll tell you that much!

As I headed for bed last night, I got another call from Steve (which I DON'T mind at all, miss him like crazy). After that, I passed out, maybe a bit of falling asleep while on the phone, I'm sure I made no sense by the end of the conversation. A person is not supposed to be awake from 1 am - 10 pm! He's having a great time. It's been good for him, and I can tell a difference in him. This is the first time that he's done something like this for himself, and I'm so proud of him for it.

At 1:00, yes you heard me, 1:00 Miss Emma decided to wake up. I went down and turned her over thinking that was all she needed....she quieted down for a bit and then started crying again, so at 1:30 I made her a bottle which of course magically made her fall asleep before drinking it...she did afterall get mommy out of bed twice! There sits the bottle beside my bed, 'just in case'!

At 4:40 Abby decided she was to get up. I think she's really hating seeing my face in the morning. Everyday more and more crying'll be nice to tell her tomorrow that Daddy will be home in the afternoon! I'm sure she's ready! I know I am. I'm sure I'll get a call from the school asking me to come and get her at some point today. But lets hope she manages to control herself for school.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers this week. I couldn't have done it without them. As it is, I'm hanging on by my fingernails, but it's just one more sleep til Steve gets home! I just can't wait!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely understood! It does help us appreciate husbands and even sleep!