Friday, June 22, 2007


OK, I love the girl to pieces, but I'm thinking she has colic or is lactose intolerant or something. This girl had been crying hours on end for DAYS!!!! But today we switched to a soy-based formula and knock on wood, she seems much better! A lot less crying than the last few days. It's so hard to believe she's been in our lives a month already. She's doing so well though. We wish we (or should I say STEVE does) sleep more but her presence here makes up for the lack of sleep. She balances out the family. I love her feminine features. I love that she LOOKS like a girl. Such slender delicate hands and feet. Babies can make me gush for hours so I better stop there.
She is eating and growing well. She was born 5 lbs 5 oz. and at our last appt she was 6 lbs 15 oz. Which is still less than any of my kids were, but still growing steadily. She's not great at night, but she's getting better. She still wakes at least 2x in the night, but the time is increasing slowly. She's becoming much more alert during the day, and starting to smile at us. She has great eye contact when she's having her bottle. All great signs for what's to come!
This girl is a blessing for sure. I am so thankful for her, and for all that she brings to this family unit.

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