I've been wanting a bike for a couple of years now, so today we went out and bought one. I'm really happy with it, but I think it might take some work to get me fully ready to ride lol~A steep learning curve for sure! It's been at least 15 years since I've taken a bike ride, so I'm going to ease myself into it.
It was on a really easy gear, and it totally took me off guard so I nearly fell off when I went to peddle, a good thing I have quick reflexes!! Not as quick as Steve's camera ability though. Oh well, something for the memory books. I made Steve take it for a ride to get it into an easier gear, and then everying slowly started coming back. Still will take awhile. I've never really understood why I needed 21 gears anyway, but I'll do some reading to figure all this out. I'm such a loser sometimes. :)
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