Well, this morning was haircut day for Abby. Over the weekend, someone from our church told me about a little girl that used to suck on her hair, and had to have surgery due to a softball size hairball in her stomach since hair cannot be digested. I resolved that day to cut her hair soon, as Abby is rarely seen without her hair in her mouth. Until today that is! She's got a chin length bob. She looks SOOO cute, and I think she really likes it. She had big smiles this morning as her hair was just finished being blown dry. I'm so happy about that. I hope her friends like it too, it's always a worry, when lots of girls her age have long hair, what will they think if she has short hair. But it's much easier to keep Abby looking "kept" with shorter hair. That girl is just a bit tomboyish for long flowing hair, and the fore mentioned hair chewing is at the top of my list for keeping it short!
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