Imagine being in a dark bedroom. It's 2 AM. You are sleeping peacefully. All of a sudden you hear a loud noise, the sound of something very large crashing down around you. You are up with a bolt, sitting in bed. You hear someone reaching for the lamp, when all of a sudden you hear the noise again. You hear screaming coming from the person beside you, and join in because it's the only natural thing to do. You reach to turn on your light and what you discover is your husbands bedside table overturned and at the foot of your bed. You see the contents that were on top of the table strewn on the floor. (no wonder Steve couldn't find the lamp!) You see a dog cowering beside you and you wonder what events unfolded to make the scene like this.
It's now 9 AM and we're still wondering what on earth happened to that bedside table. Our best guess is somehow the dog got tangled in or under the table and was pinned underneath. He then got up trying to free himself, only to discover that he was still caught! Then the above incidents occur, leaving you the next morning in hysterics because the whole scene is just so comical.
I think what we find most ironic, is we tiptoe around at night, trying not to wake the kids. But last night we were LOUD, between the noise of the dragging and us screaming, I have NO idea how the kids didn't wake up! Especially Logan because we're right overtop of his bedroom.
Last night will be a night to remember! It's as good as the raccoon in the garbage and us getting locked in our room!!! LOL
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Literal Learners!
So Logan has been working on identifying familiar people in photographs, and pointing to whomever he is being asked to locate. (eg. Find mommy, he then points or grabs the picture of me) However, he hasn't been doing so well with this. Ok, he hadn't been able to do it at all...we've discovered why. Both kids identify us by our first names LOL So he did great with the new question Find Amanda, and off he went, knew exactly who to find. I'm ok with this...we figure as long as they know us by something, we'll take it.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
1 Already
Today is Justus' 1st birthday. I can't give any lengthy birthstory because it's not mine to tell. What I can share is how this little boy has fought off all that entered his body, how he triumphs everyday, how much his smile brightens up a down day. He is teaching US new things at every turn. He's a blessing to our family, and I'm so glad he fits with us. Justus today is for you, and mommy is so proud of you. Here's to many more wonderful birthdays. We love you so much.
Monday, April 09, 2007

Well, this morning was haircut day for Abby. Over the weekend, someone from our church told me about a little girl that used to suck on her hair, and had to have surgery due to a softball size hairball in her stomach since hair cannot be digested. I resolved that day to cut her hair soon, as Abby is rarely seen without her hair in her mouth. Until today that is! She's got a chin length bob. She looks SOOO cute, and I think she really likes it. She had big smiles this morning as her hair was just finished being blown dry. I'm so happy about that. I hope her friends like it too, it's always a worry, when lots of girls her age have long hair, what will they think if she has short hair. But it's much easier to keep Abby looking "kept" with shorter hair. That girl is just a bit tomboyish for long flowing hair, and the fore mentioned hair chewing is at the top of my list for keeping it short!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Six years ago today I was giving birth to my son Logan. My beautiful blond hair, blue eyed boy. It feels like it was just yesterday that I woke Steve up, just an hour after finishing his thesis, saying "honey, I'm in labour". Now, what followed next wasn't what I expected, the whole day passed by in such a blurr...I asked for something for pain as I had intense back labour, I got something shot into my leg. A little while later, when clearly that wasn't enough, the epidural was given. I was so high for the rest of the day. I don't remember much, but what I do remember was comical...Steve almost passing out and the nurses handing me the call button if HE needed anything, Steve so unwisely telling me to breathe properly (he got THE LOOK), the nurse accidently poking me with a needle ("it's ok, I didn't feel a thing", that was the beginning of the high).
When it came time to actually have Logan. It didn't go well. His head was so big, he was almost stuck. Out came the vaccum, that didn't work. Out came the forceps, they did. But poor Logan looked SOOO beat up. Cuts and black eye. But you know, from that first moment, I never saw the flaws, just how beautiful he was. He'd captured me right from his first look.
Over the years, we've had our ups and downs. The first year, I lived in the glorious moments of mommyhood. We laughed and played, read books together and napped together. As he grew older I knew something was different. He never ever called me momma, and was getting very rigid in his play. I always brought it down to my accident and the birth of Abby being so difficult for him.
What transpired over the next few months, was something I could never forget. He's deaf, it was our first thought. Hearing test showed that he's got 100% hearing, no problems whatsoever. Our doctor then sent us to another doctor, to rule out Autism, only to find that it wasn't ruled out, it was diagnosed. I went into full blown mommy panic. But I've learned over the years that there wasn't anything to panic over.
Logan today is a wonderful boy who loves his family. He loves to play outside, and laugh. He's changed my view on so much in life, I've learned to celebrate the smallest of accomplishments. I've learned that life doesn't always give you what you want, it gives you what you need. Without Logan (or my other kids) I would never be the person or mother that I am today. He has opened my mind to accept so much more in people, to be more understanding of those who don't meet "status quo". I no longer judge my accomplishments by societys standards, but accept every accomplishment for what it is. Some may say that Autism is something that needs to be cured, but I must admit, in my heart I know that I have learned so much from my little boy and little girl with autism then I ever could've learned from anyone else. For me, in some strange way, Autism has been a blessing to me.
I am thankful for Logan, and I love him dearly. Happy Birthday big boy, Mommy loves you :D
When it came time to actually have Logan. It didn't go well. His head was so big, he was almost stuck. Out came the vaccum, that didn't work. Out came the forceps, they did. But poor Logan looked SOOO beat up. Cuts and black eye. But you know, from that first moment, I never saw the flaws, just how beautiful he was. He'd captured me right from his first look.
Over the years, we've had our ups and downs. The first year, I lived in the glorious moments of mommyhood. We laughed and played, read books together and napped together. As he grew older I knew something was different. He never ever called me momma, and was getting very rigid in his play. I always brought it down to my accident and the birth of Abby being so difficult for him.
What transpired over the next few months, was something I could never forget. He's deaf, it was our first thought. Hearing test showed that he's got 100% hearing, no problems whatsoever. Our doctor then sent us to another doctor, to rule out Autism, only to find that it wasn't ruled out, it was diagnosed. I went into full blown mommy panic. But I've learned over the years that there wasn't anything to panic over.
Logan today is a wonderful boy who loves his family. He loves to play outside, and laugh. He's changed my view on so much in life, I've learned to celebrate the smallest of accomplishments. I've learned that life doesn't always give you what you want, it gives you what you need. Without Logan (or my other kids) I would never be the person or mother that I am today. He has opened my mind to accept so much more in people, to be more understanding of those who don't meet "status quo". I no longer judge my accomplishments by societys standards, but accept every accomplishment for what it is. Some may say that Autism is something that needs to be cured, but I must admit, in my heart I know that I have learned so much from my little boy and little girl with autism then I ever could've learned from anyone else. For me, in some strange way, Autism has been a blessing to me.
I am thankful for Logan, and I love him dearly. Happy Birthday big boy, Mommy loves you :D
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Hurray for Justus
Yesterday Justus' Infant Development Worker came by to do an evaluation on how he's developing. We couldn't be more elated. He's right on target for almost all areas of development, except for communication. HOWEVER, I also think part of that is our fault because we don't know what to expect from him or to "push" him with. Having two kids with autism who had some pretty shady development makes it difficult to know what to expect and when. Now we have an idea on the things we need to work on. We're so proud of Justus and how hard he works. He is a precious boy.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Our first outing
Today we took Milo out for the first outing in Meaford. Wow, what a great job he did. We went into Valumart, Bargain Shop and Maguinty's. He did great, hardly any problems. Just a bit of nose to the ground when we were walking down the sidewalk. But for our first day on the town, I'm totally impressed.
Steve I think was shocked at the difference in his behaviour in and out of jacket. He's much more disciplined in jacket than out, which is fine...out of jacket, he's just a regular dog. :) We are enjoying him so much and are so thankful for the opportunity to have him in our family. Thanks NSD :D
Steve I think was shocked at the difference in his behaviour in and out of jacket. He's much more disciplined in jacket than out, which is fine...out of jacket, he's just a regular dog. :) We are enjoying him so much and are so thankful for the opportunity to have him in our family. Thanks NSD :D
Sunday, April 01, 2007
We need a fence in the backyard...argh :( Why is it that all the expensive stuff happens all at once??? First the interruption in the trip, then team training, now a fence. I was hoping we'd be able to hold off another year for the fence, but we're not going to be able to...first Logan, now Milo. Milo was so interested in Bear (the golden retriever) next door, he went under the fence! Laughable now, but not so much in the middle of the night if he catches sight of a skunk or something. He's just SOO friendly.
So, anyone wishing to donate to the Logan/Milo fence fund, please forward your cash to....
LOL, just kidding...we'll figure this out, we always do. God will provide a way!
So, anyone wishing to donate to the Logan/Milo fence fund, please forward your cash to....
LOL, just kidding...we'll figure this out, we always do. God will provide a way!
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