My mom has been applying for jobs up here in the area, and she accepted a job offer in Chesley this past week. They just let me know tonight that they have an offer in on their house, and they'll be working towards finalizing that this week, it's a private sale! So, now they are just in need of a house in Chesley or the surrounding area. I'm so excited, I just can't believe my mom and dad are going to be near me....I'll actually have family near me!!!!

(click the picture for more photos)
I am also excited because the kids and I had a blast at Marineland this past Friday. I was worried how the day would go. Abby was up for at least 2 hours in the night, leaving me with just 2 hours of sleep (NOT a good thing!) But it turned out miraculously.
We started off with just a few rides...Logan especially loved the ladybug rollercoaster. Then we headed over to Friendship Cove to see the Killerwhales and watch the splash show....while we were in the underwater viewing area beforehand, Logan was so excited. He turned to the girl beside him and said "it's a killer whale!" That's pretty impressive considering we didn't prep them beforehand! They both loved watching the whales jump...but Abby really wanted in the water with them (Sorry hon, just not going to happen!)
We then headed over to the Aquarium and saw seals and other assorted fish. Lunch was next...then over quickly to watch the show at Waldorfs Main Stage. I wish we could've been closer for this because it was difficult for the kids to see and keep their attention, but they did do really well considering. From there we headed over to Arctic Cove for the Belugas. The highlight was Logan feeding and touching a Beluga!!! I was underwater viewing with Abby during this because as the day wore on, she REALLY wanted in the tanks...but the picture was worth a thousand words...he was SOOO happy (so was Kati for that matter)!
We had our ice cream cones and headed for the exit. 5 hours of fun was enough for us! I was so happy with how they did, and they proved me wrong once again. I love when they do that. Abby's highlight for the day was splashing through all the puddles...she enjoyed everything else, but that was the best for her...and I'll take it. She did amazingly well, considering it was something totally new for her. She did show interest in the whales...laughed a few times at the dolphins and seals...but puddles were by far the most exciting!
I can't wait to go back again...but that probably won't be until the other kids are old enough to enjoy it. We'll be off on other adventures this summer, so keep coming back and I'll keep you posted!